NYC Stress Fractures Diagnosis & Pain Treatment Doctors

At Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates you’ll get the stress fracture pain management and doctor’s care you need to reduce or eliminate your stress fracture pain. Because when you’re in pain — whether it’s from an accident, age, sports injury, or ailment — you want pain relief quickly. Appropriate and targeted stress fracture pain management and treatment starts with a proper diagnosis from your NYC sports pain management specialist.

A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone.  Your bones typically crack when they’re placed under strain, particularly when the stress points are where the body is unable to adapt fast enough to keep the pressure from the bone. Also, repetitive stress and overuse can lead to stress fractures.

Anyone can experience a stress fracture, but athletes are in the most danger because of repeated and stress-causing motions. If you participate in sports such as track and field, gymnastics, tennis or basketball, chances are greater that you’ll get a stress fracture. The regular and sustained striking of your foot against the ground can cause stress fractures.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stress Fractures

The main symptom associated with stress fractures is recurring pain that may get better with enough rest. To make sure that your pain is due to a fracture and not a sprain or other soft-tissue injury, your pain management specialist may ask you to get an X-ray.

Sometimes, however, your stress fracture is so small that it can’t be detected on the X-ray film. In these cases, you may need further testing by getting a CT scan or an MRI. Once your pain management doctor diagnoses your pain as a stress fracture, the recommendation you’ll receive is to rest for six to eight weeks, possibly with a cast.

Preventing Stress Fractures

Like most injuries, the best way to deal with a stress fracture is to avoid it. There are preventative steps you can take to increase the likelihood of staying healthy and keeping minor stress fractures from happening to you, such as:

  • Replace your running shoes regularly
  • Don’t wear very old or worn out shoes
  • Make sure the shoes you have are made for the activity you are pursuing

In addition, taking up cross-training can give you a well-rounded workout that exercises all your muscles. Doing the same activity all the time puts the most stress on your body. Instead, vary your workouts. Spread activities throughout the week — some days dedicated to running and others to cycling or cardio, for example. This way, you can achieve your fitness goals with the lowest impact to your bones.

Helpful Lifestyle Choices

Since osteoporosis also can lead to stress fractures, eat foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, and generally maintain a good diet for the health of your bones.  If you’re starting a new activity or exercise, set a goal and build up to it. Do not, for example, start out running five miles a day in NYC. Instead, build up to that, so your body can get accustomed to the new movement and avoid injury.

Your pain management doctor strongly advises not to work out in pain. The old adage of, “no pain, no gain,” is just that — old and out-of-date. If you’re feeling pain, stop and rest, possibly for a few days. If upon resuming your activity, the pain also returns, visit your NYC pain management specialist to make sure it’s not a stress fracture that’s slowing you down.

Get the Relief You Need For Your Stress Fracture

Your best in class NYC sports pain management doctor’s goal is to get you back to your normal routine with minimal downtime. After your stress fracture diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor begins your stress fracture pain management and treatment plan with the most conservative pain relief treatment. You’ll always receive non-invasive pain relief before your doctor turns to more invasive procedures like surgery.

Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates
51 East 25th St, 4th Floor, Ste B
New York, NY 10010
(212) 533-3954