Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis & Pain Management Doctors NYC

At Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates you’ll receive a proper carpel tunnel diagnosis in addition to the pain management and doctor’s care you need to reduce or eliminate your carpel tunnel pain. Because when you’re in pain — whether it’s from an accident, age, computer strain, or ailment — you want pain relief quickly. Appropriate and targeted carpel tunnel pain management and treatment starts with a proper diagnosis from your NYC carpel tunnel pain management doctor.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In spite of all the benefits we’ve seen with technology advancements, those benefits have brought some new problems. One of the biggest downsides is the rampant prevalence of carpel tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome results when nerves become pinched in your wrist.

The carpal tunnel is actually a real tunnel, located on the underside of your wrist. It serves as a passageway for the nerves to run to your hand and fingers. While carpal tunnel syndrome can affect either hand, it most often strikes your dominant hand. You’ll know you’re developing carpal tunnel syndrome when you start feeling tingling or numbness in your hand.

See a Pain Management Specialist

This condition usually comes on gradually. You may just feel tingling in your hand to start, but eventually your hand and wrist become weaker and instead of just numb. The feeling may come and go until you’re not be able to shake it off.

Your pain management doctor in NYC can help you regain the full use of your hand and fingers with a number of treatments that may include:

  • A splint that you wear while you’re sleeping to hold your wrist in place. This at least can give you relief so that you can sleep.
  • Corticosteroid injections can help relieve the swelling in your wrist. Oral medications are not as beneficial for this condition.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can help relieve pain.
  • Treating co-existing conditions such as arthritis that often leads to carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Surgery may be needed if the pain becomes severe and conservative treatments don’t provide any relief. You may undergo endoscopy surgery that requires just two small holes in your wrist to relieve the pressure or open-hand surgery that is more invasive, but can permanently fix the problem.

Prevention of Carpel Tunnel Is Your Best Bet

You can take steps to minimize the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome, especially if you work at a job that requires repetitive motions. If your hand and wrist begin to hurt after long periods of time on the job, minimize the stress your wrist is under by:

  • Taking frequent breaks and resting your hands and wrists.
  • Loosening your grip on things like the steering wheel of your vehicle.
  • Keeping your hands warm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is more likely to occur when your hands become stiff. And the pain is worsened by the cold. If possible, wear fingerless gloves to keep your wrists warm while working.
  • Maintaining good posture. The nerves that run through the carpal tunnel originate in your neck. When you slouch, the restriction starts in your shoulders and reduces the blood flow to your wrists, increasing the likelihood of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Relying on an ergonomically sound office chair and equipment. You want to avoid bending your wrists backwards when you type, for example. A keyboard in the proper position can help you avoid this bending position.
  • Rotating your wrists on a regular basis to keep the blood flowing freely.

Get the Pain Relief You Need

Your NYC carpel tunnel pain management doctor’s goal is to get you back to your normal routine with minimal downtime. After your carpel tunnel diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor begins your carpel tunnel pain management and treatment plan with the most conservative carpel tunnel pain relief treatment. You’ll always receive non-invasive pain relief before your doctor turns to more invasive procedures like surgery.

Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates
51 East 25th St, 4th Floor, Ste B
New York, NY 10010
(212) 533-3954