Herniated Disc Pain Specialist Doctors NYC

At Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates you’ll get the herniated disc diagnosis, pain management, and medical treatment you need to reduce or eliminate your herniated disc pain. Because when you’re in pain — whether it’s from an accident, sporting injury, age, or ailment — you want pain relief quickly. Appropriate and targeted herniated disc pain management and treatment starts with a proper diagnosis from your NYC herniated disc pain management doctor.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is perhaps one of the most common terms mentioned by people suffering any kind of back pain. If a pain management doctor tells you that you have a herniated disc, the doctor may in fact be referring to any number of conditions that could be causing your back pain.

Other terms interchangeable with a herniated disc include:

Ultimately, the name of your condition shouldn’t matter as much as the problem itself. You want to know how (and how quickly) it can be fixed. An NYC pain management specialist may run a battery of tests — such as X-rays, an MRI and a complete family history — to determine the cause of your back pain, develop a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment plan.

Where the Herniated Disc Pain Originates

A vertebral disc sits in between each bone of your spine, acting as a shock absorber. Discs themselves cannot cause you to feel pain. Rather, it’s the nerves and space surrounding the discs that typically are the source of your discomfort. Degenerative disc pain, for example, occurs when a disc is worn out or damaged and leaks fluid, causing a bone to push on the surrounding nerves. When a nerve is pinched, it can cause pain to radiate down your arms or legs.

The most common area to develop a herniated disc problem is your lower back. That’s the part of your spine that undergoes the most force and torque throughout the day. It’s also the spot that takes the brunt of the force caused by running and playing contact sports. A herniated disc can originate in any part of your spine, including the cervical spine or neck area.

Diagnostic Steps

Your NYC herniated dsic pain management specialist determines the source of your pain through a number of techniques. The first, and often the most vital portion, is when you explain, in detail:

  • Where it hurts
  • When the pain is most severe
  • What you think precipitated the pain (or when you first felt it)
  • What makes it feel better

A physical exam may include a nerve test, gauging your muscle strength in the affected area, and by actually putting pressure on various points on your body to determine your pain levels. Following a review of your history, you may have X-rays, a CT scan, an MRI or discography.

Treatments for a Herniated Disc

An accurate diagnosis is crucial before your pain management doctor can offer treatment alternatives. Your options for treatment may include:

Your level of pain does not necessarily dictate the severity of the herniation. A large disc that’s herniated may in fact result in very little pain, while a smaller pinched nerve can lead to muscle spasms and excruciating pain. Only an experienced pain management specialist, with all the necessary information you provide, can discern the best treatment for your individual back pain.

Get the Herniated Disc Pain Relief You Need

Your NYC herniated disc pain management doctor’s goal is to get you back to your normal routine with minimal downtime. After your diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor begins your neck pain management and treatment plan with the most conservative pain relief treatment. You’ll always receive non-invasive pain relief before your doctor turns to more invasive procedures like surgery.

Manhattan Pain and Sports Associates
51 East 25th St, 4th Floor, Ste B
New York, NY 10010
(212) 533-3954